In this article I'd like to share some backstories and ideas that lead me to the development of
RightJS. There are some generic texts on the official site, but in this article I'm going to get into some architectural details, thoughts and philosophy that were used as the basis in the development.
It might start to sound a bit philosophical and like RightJS saves the world, so please, be patient, I'm sure you can find some rational ideas behind.
DisclaimerDespite the fact that I did quite a lot of JavaScript work lately, I'm not really any sort of JavaScript guru. I mostly work as a software developer/designer on the server side and my weapon of choice is Rails.
What I do with RightJS is a mere attempt to build a tool that will fit Ruby/Python developer habits and will be fun to work with.
PhilosophyThat might be an arguable point of view, but to me the world is always trying to find a balance. The third low of mechanics says: "every action causes an equal and opposite reaction", and for this reason opposite forces always find a moment of equilibrium, moment where things are balanced.
For example when a body falls though air, the forces of gravity and air friction eventually gets equal and the body stops gaining speed; reaching its terminal velocity. A simple fact, but those two opposite forces combined make things like flight possible.
You might extrapolate and abstract this principle a bit further and take another two opposite things: "fun" and "safety". Abstractly speaking, I guess it is obvious that the more there is safety the less fun it is, and the more fun it is the more it gets dangerous.
Those two follow the same exact principles. And as much it might be honorable and cool to be at one side, with rebels or with the enterprise; the truth and all the magic things always lay somewhere in the middle. And that's what we are trying to do in here.
With RightJS I'm trying to reach that moment of terminal fun.
Back to The RealityWhen it comes to JavaScript and safety I'm sure most of developers will think jQuery. On the other side of the scale probably will be Prototype. And I'm sure everyone who ever worked with JavaScript recently, heard lots of talks about the jQuery safe-mode, and how non conflicting it is, and how it lets you easily write plugins and so one.
But the truth is, that wast majority of the people who does those talks, never did write any plugins, never got in really non-solvable conflicting situations, and as the matter of fact they don't know anything but jQuery. They just heard that prototype extensions are dirty, and probably think that hating them makes them look tougher :).
Meanwhile, people were using Prototype for years, there are hundreds of plugins. And yes, big corporations did and still do use it. The reason why people started to switch from Prototype is because it got too fat and slow, not because it is unsafe.
It kinda reminds me the situation with airports. Someone, somewhere did created that shoe-bomb, and now we all have to stand in queues at security checks, take off our shoes and have a walk on a dirty floor.
Is it safer this way? Indeed it is. But if you are not a bad guy, would you like to skip that procedure?
I bet you do.
Between Safety and FunSo, what about RightJS and that terminal fun thing?
Yes, RightJS does extend prototypes and we do have several global scope units and functions. That's true. But we don't do that blindly creating a crazy mess.
Most of the native unit extensions simply bring methods that already exist in later specifications. Things like
Function#bind. Yes we do add them to the prototype level. But they all behave strictly in the standard way and they _will_ eventually appear in browsers.
I agreed that there might be some desperate people who had a complicated childhood and might implement a non-standard
Array#each method and screw the things up. But IMHO, we should let the people learn on their mistakes and that's certainly not the reason to get scared and hide behind some "safe" interfaces. If someone wants he can screw the safe interface just the same way.
On the other side, adding those methods, will give you several advantages, like first of all you can use all those methods right now, without waiting while obsolete browsers will vanish from the face of the Internet. Secondly it will actually prolong your application life, because those methods only going to get into common use, which means your code will be mostly working in future even when RightJS disappear.
Then we do have several other top-level functions and objects. Functions like
$A they are extremely handy in everyday work and they are real time savers. Those methods all have clean, standard names and behavior, and you need to be a crazy person who don't know what he does, to re-implement them for some radically different purpose.
Yes we do unsafe things with RightJS, but all of them are strictly managed, organized and helpful. This way we balance between total safety and fun/comfort in work.
Deeper Down The Rabbit HoleAny security comes with its cost, which is usually freedom and flexibility. Yes, I do agreed that having a non-conflicting interface is safe, but on the other side, it hooks your whole application on that interface. And I'm not talking about ridiculous situations, when you use the safe interface only and there are no potential threads for your application. Yes you are safe, but you're hooked to that interface.
We are living in a pretty dynamic environment, and things do get faster and faster. New superior solutions appear every year. So consider this.
Most of Prototype/Mootools code will work on RightJS after trivial and easily programmatically processable fixes. Same for RightJS, because it sticks to the standards in method names and behaviors, it will be really easy to transform RightJS code into Prototype/Mootools, pure DOM or even jQuery if you will.
In case of a safe interface on the other hand, you don't have to change anything and you won't. 99.9% of applications will stuck with it, continuing to drag it around creating a mess of frameworks and interfaces inside of a single application. Take for example Dojo. An excellent framework, but most of applications are trapped with it, because it is too expensive to migrate.
Okay, tomorrow might be a long shot and many applications don't live that long. What about today? There are also things to think about.
RightJS unlike jQuery is not just a DOM-wrapper, it is an actual framework. RightJS does not leaves you alone with pure DOM/JavaScript when you disagree with what's going on. It supports multiple paradigms of development, OOP, FP, procedural style and at any moment you're free to choose how to do your job.
Then, in similarity with languages like Ruby or Python, the whole structure of the framework is open. Unlike solutions with a safe interface RightJS doesn't hide anything inside of closed functions with spaghetti code. Most of the methods are organized in proper OOP structures and can be easily transformed and adjusted one by one.
Another point is that RightJS helps you utilize things like options, events, dom-manipulations, etc. in a single uniformed way. And that's too the part of the terminal fun idea. There are might be dozens of ways of dealing with things outside of the framework and if there are no regulations those things might cause collisions. RightJS provides you a conventional way of dealing with those things, which at one side reduces the likelihood of troubles, and on the other brings consistency across all the applications, making it easier to work with.
There are lots of things that RightJS takes care of, but I think it's all out of this article theme and then you can find all of them on the
official site.
So for now I guess that's all. Hope I gave you some sense of perspective and food for thoughts on the topic.
Take care,