Thursday, August 5, 2010

Prepare Your Project For RightJS 2

Some notes for those lucky of you who already is hooked to RightJS and the ones who think about giving it a try, but afraid that when RightJS 2 will start saving the world, the ones code will go south.

Rule #1 don't panic, despite of all the massive changes in the dom-stack and all the new finest kickassery, the actual API almost didn't change, just instead of real dom-nodes/events/etc you will receive some proxy objects, which have the same exact API. The difference is that you will have no direct access to the dom-unit attributes, so if you want your code to be working both in RightJS 1 and RightJS 2, use the Element#get, #set and #has methods instead.

// instead of this
$(element).id = 'boo-hoo';
var id = $(element).id ? $(element).id : 'default';

// write it like that
$(element).set('id', 'boo-hoo');
var id = $(element).has('id') ? $(element).get('id') : 'default';

If you need to access an element innerHTML use a simple patch like that

html: function() {
return this.innerHTML;

Later, when you will migrate to the actual RightJS 2, just remove it, RightJS 2 will have this method out of box.

Rule #2 don't access `window` and `document` directly, when you need to access some of the RightJS methods, put them through the same `$()` function first as you do with the dom elements

// instead of those
document.onReady(function() { ... });

// call it like this
$(document).onReady(function() { ... });

Rule #3 don't use `Form.Element` this unit will be renamed to Input in RightJS 2, so don't touch it or create a simple reference like that

var Input = Form.Element;

and work with the Input object instead.

This is about it. If you follow those three simple rules, all your code should be in working condition when you switch to RightJS 2.

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